Thursday, August 7, 2014

Lets start with a back-linking standard; basic article marketing.  This is the bread of butter of typical article marketing. Start by writing an article using a primary and secondary keyword within the title as I did with this very post-"How to Build Backlinks Using Article Marketing."

Now write informative and educational content around your primary and secondary keywords. You should always try and get your keyword within the first or second sentence of your article since the search engines look at, and extract descriptions sometimes, from the first 160 characters or so under a heading tag. Notice my title, heading and first sentence. Bold your keywords and hyperlink them within the article-this is your backlink.
Note:Writing for you own blog is a little different then writing for an article directory.
If I were submitting this post to an article directory such as Ezine articles or Goarticles there would be some restrictions. For example, Ezine does not allow you to place backlinks within the body of your article; but you can place two backlinks in the bio, or resource box.
Break up your article content by using headings, H2,H3 and so on down the page to highlight important topics. If you can't use these tags then bold the topic line or use bullet points.
Always use one of these strategies to draw your readers attention because typically people don't read, they scan. See.

Writing Article Content

Not to beat a dead horse but let me say it again-and if you've read through some of the content on the home page you know what I'm about to say. Content, content, content is king folks. If you've read this far I probably don't have to remind you of this but you must get this.  Your job is to provide the best content for your readers as humanly possible.
When someone does a keyword search and finds your article; they are expecting to get an answer. Give it to them. Although you write content for the end result of obtaining a backlink, this should not be your primary goal. Your primary goal is to answer a question or solve a problem.
You really are educating your audience, right? So take it seriously and write accurate, informative content. If you're writing about something you don't know about then go out and research your topic. Never guess or make false and inaccurate statements for the sake of filling up a page.  This is common among link farms and even hired article content writers.
Content Writers
If you don't like to write you can hire an article content writer to do it for you. I have hired writers before and it can be a double edged sword.  You can read a post I wrote about it on my Chris Farrell Membership site if you want deeper insight.  My views were a bit different back then. I "do" still outsource some work today,,, I just don't outsource my article writing.  I just find that I'm too picky and often spend more time correcting and re-writing content. 
But here is a quick check off list of some things to keep in mind when hiring a writer:
1.  Pick a contracting service (odesk, elance, scriptlance)
2.  Post your project (provide details, keywords, fees, word count) You can view current listings and get ideas also.
3.  Test drive 3 writers (look at reviews,work history, portfolio, always ask for samples)
4.  Choose a contractor (agree on fee, upfront or not, set time frames and milestones)
5.  Evaluate (tweak as needed)
It's been awhile since I've hired a writer but fees should range anywhere from a few bucks for a five hundred word article.


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